Thursday, June 26, 2014

Surgery #13 Scheduled!

We officially got Mason's surgery date today!  On August 5th Mason will have his 13th surgery.  This one will be a double surgery on his right foot and right hip. 

You can learn more about what is happening here

We are excited to get things moving again and plan to enjoy every minute left to our summer before surgery and a cast!


  1. Oh, things are so much easier when you know the DATE...!

  2. I'll be praying that all goes well for him.

  3. We are looking at the same surgery (I think) for one of our SB blessings. When we did her baseline bladder study last fall we learned she had a horribly dislocated hip joint...10 points to the random radiologist that noticed it! We're going to do her right hip and her right heel cord (again) sometime this fall. Our other SB blessing will be having a bladder augmentation in the winter. Praying his surgery goes know the good smashingly!

  4. I hope everything goes well! I just have to say I looooove his bright orange glasses! Adorable!


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